For Swift, Efficient, And Trusted Hert Operations!

Do you need lighting or electrical experts? You can always count on A-List Electrical Repair for the ideal solutions to any electricity crisis. Thanks to the quality of men in our service and their dedication. It gets even better, how? We operate a 24-hour schedule everyday, so you'll not only get excellent resolutions when you contact us, you'll get these solutions ON TIME. Remember, delayed response to electrical emergencies can have terrible consequences.

Business Hours

Our men work 24-hours a day.

Our Services

L ight fixture installation, light switch repair, and wiring installation are a few of our services. This means at any time you contact us, you'll enjoy an immediate response. What's better? There are many more services where these come from; standard examples include power restoration, circuit breaker repair, and electrical panel service upgrade. Throw in our outlet repair and installation expertise and you have an electrical company that'll perform ideally in all types of electricity projects.

Year Established: 2004

Service Area

Situated in Norwalk and working the whole Los Angeles County with convenience.